Spring in Baltimore has been unseasonably cool and rainy. Usually by mid-May Bmores infamous humidity begins to rest its heavy sleepy paws onto the backs of its residents and by mid June the giant humidity dog has settled in for a long summer snooze, only to be stirred by a thunderstorm or the onset of fall. The humidity will come but for now I'm delighted in the lighter cooler weather. If you work in an office 5 days a week you know that spring and summer are well...painful. You know its nice out, you can see the sun shining but there you sit starring at the glow of a computer screen. Everyday I leave for lunch, rain or shine, I just don't understand the concept of lunching at your desk. I think that its important for employees to leave their desks, walk around outside and take the time to eat a proper lunch, alone, with friends/co-workers, or if your lucky go home. Today I'm sharing my sacred lunch space with you. I usually eat alone in a park near my work, and I'm surprised at how few people I see doing the same. Today for lunch I had a spinach salad with sprouts, carrots, red cabbage, a leftover garbanzo bean burger, sliced tomato with tahini and Braggs and for dessert I had an orange. All while soaking up some vitamin D, hearing the birds chirp and saying hello to strangers. Back at work I felt recharged to finish the day...Garbanzo bean Burger recipe coming later tonight!Here are some snapshots of what I saw...