Yes, I have been a bad blogger. Wait. Can I even call myself a "blogger"? Anyways enough of the self-tormenting; it’s been a busy month to say the least. The end of summer is upon us (sob!) which means two things: our wedding date is quickly approaching and loads of vegetables to be harvested. How exciting! We have been madly making to-do list after to-do list for the big day, keeping up with the house and gardens, our personal lives and taking the time to take some time with one another. Which I discovered this summer is critical to self-assuredness and my relationship with my soon to be husband. So what have we been doing? I've become obsessed with freezing all that I can for the winter. Stocking up the freezer pantry with tomatoes, wild foraged wine berries and chicken mushrooms, green beans, pesto, kale, cabbage and collards. Along with drying parsley, oregano, thyme and basil. I'm mildly determined to not buy a ton of produce over the winter (an exception to a few lovely citrus fruits and the occasional organic grape splurge). I have also planted my fall spinach and lettuce mix, ordered my onions and garlic to be planted for spring harvest and a garden blanket to keep those greens warm. The goal is to keep that whole foods total

On another note, the east coast has been hitting pretty hard this past week. It began with a 5.8 earthquake, followed by Hurricane Irene. Thankfully neither caused a significant amount of damage, but just enough to put millions of people without power, major flooding in New England and billions of dollars in damages. Just another reason why growing and putting by your own food is immensely important.