It must be this awful weather that's the cause for my utter lack of energy. All the rain saturating the east coast, the tropical humidity, cool air + 95% humidity=sick or allergies? Who knows, but this "thing" that's hanging around my head better go away soon. Then there's work and then there's the wedding. More than anything I'd rather be home with a hot cup of herbal tea, happily tinkering away in my studio, painting gold leaves, making a photo album, painting our welcome sign...listening to the new Beirut album. While S works on Readyluck and Earl snoozes soundly. Alas I am at work, slogging through emails, phone calls, meetings and confused students. Then I'm reminded that its Friday and in the fridge awaits my super delicious cure-all lunch. Oh! Yes and my friend Chris is coming over tonight and were going to make Peach Butter and maybe our soon-to-be-famous Hot Lips Jam (it's top secret for now). So things are looking up and I think there may be even a peak at the sun tomorrow...
Cure All Vegetable Soup
I made this with a mix of vegetables from our gardens, use whatever you have hanging around!
6 Garlic cloves, sliced thin
2 Banana Peppers, seeds removed, cut into half moons
1 Thai Red pepper, seeds removed, minced
1 medium Red Pepper, chopped
1 large Vidalia Onion, chopped
2 cups Green Beans, chopped on the diagonal
6-8 Ripe Tomatoes, blanch to remove skin and remove the seeds
1/2 cup chopped fresh Parsley
3 tablespoons fresh Oregano leaves
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
1 1/2 cups cooked White Kidney Beans
1/4 cup rinse Quinoa
8 cups vegetable stock
1 teaspoon honey
S & P to taste
In a large soup pot heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute for a minute, then add the peppers and onion. Saute until the onion is soft and almost translucent (about 3 minutes). Add the green beans and tomatoes, cook until the green beans are bright then add the herbs, beans and the vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and stir in the honey and quinoa. Simmer for a half hour and season to your liking with salt and pepper. I served this with a light dusting of shredded mozzarella and fresh parsley.
Serves 2 for a light dinner, plus 4 leftover servings. Perfect for work.