Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Indian Runner Ducklings

5:34am my phone rings; I of course don't hear it because I am out cold. When I do get up and check my voice mail the man on the other end tells me that my chickens have arrived.
OMG! He means our ducks are here! In the meantime S and I are getting the brooder set up in our screened-in porch and flitting around like nervous ninnies.
I get another call at 7:45am from Yvonne at our Post Office, "Mrs. Carpenter, your ducklings have arrived, you can pick them up at 9am." So we waited and at 8:56am we are on our way to the Post Office. We are standing in line waiting our turn when I hear "Chirp!" then a chorus of chirps, and I notice the box on the counter with holes and coming from that box is our hungry Indian Runner Ducklings!
We drove them home and I could feel them moving around in the box on my lap, every once in a while I would see a bill peaking through or an eye. These poor little guys and gals just made an epic journey from Texas and they are not even 48 hours old yet!
Of course Earl is very very curious about the little ducks and we will keep him at bay for the time being.  We placed them in the brooder asap... It was so crazy to hold them, they are so light and soft. They found the water right away and also started to eat the wood shavings! So I quickly did some research and covered the shavings with towels. The shaving won't hurt them but you want them to get used to what their food is first. Then they were off and eating and drinking and eating and drinking, chirping, running! tumbling and just plain old being adorable.
Needless to say we are loving the early moments of duck-parenting and I can't wait to get home and quack at them (my instincts tell me that that's what I should be doing, so they know my voice). Before we know it they will be big and placed in the Eric Waller Community Garden to forage for garden pests, provide additional fertilizer and eggs.